Trek Web Comics, April
The latest internet comic book by Kail Tescar of is based on a teleplay from the Animated Series which was never used, "The Patient Parasites", by Russell Bates, which has now been released for free download. Kail has also included info on the story that Mr. Bate's wrote for The Animated Series, "How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth".
In a strange coincidence, Joseph Kerezman of ST: Excalibur had adapted this unused Animated Trek script to use for a future episode of Excalibur at the same time! After further investigation, the original writer surfaced on their forum and gave his permission to use his copyrighted material. So if you like the comic you could be in for a future treat since there appears to be a very good chance we could see this adapted as a live action fan film!
Trek Fan Comic Updates
Elite Farce - No updates. Laz Rojas has probably had his hands full getting Starbase 11 functional!
Enterprise Oddities - Website is down and the artist (Ivy Mae) hasn't responded to emails since early August.
USS Atlantis - in early Feb 8742 posted that he was working on episode 3
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