Impact 25 battles on
Their January update on Planet Fandom said that they now had a full main cast, although they were still casting for reoccurring characters and extras. Costumes were underway and makeup tests have been completed, ships design has been finalised, a lot of incidental music has been written and approved and rehearsals were going well.
On the bad side, they still haven't secured storage space for their sets, some of the scripts had been retrieved after a a computer crash, hardly anyone has had time to update the forum and website updates had been held back because the webmaster had been very busy with home improvements. (It's that real life getting in the way again!) "A small side project we were helping a friend with has thrown some plans into disaray but things are getting back on track now."
I have this update from somewhere - can't find the source link at the moment ...
costumes are well underway, makeup tests are being performed, scripts re-writes are going on and preparation for filming is happening. We've got some updates for the website and I've been told they should be put up any day now.We had a setback when our cameras were stolen, so far we have replaced one but we still have to get at least one more so anyone who see's a camera going cheap let us know.Good luck, guys, its hard enough putting a fan film together without having to watchout for thieves!
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